Frequently Asked Questions

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Medical Cannabis 101

  • What is medical cannabis?

    Medical cannabis refers to the range of products derived from the whole cannabis plant or its extracts. These products contain a variety of active cannabinoids and terpenes that patients take for medical reasons after obtaining authorization from a health care practitioner. There are different types of cannabis plants including: Indica, Sativa, and a range of hybrid mixes. Within these plant types there are specific cultivars or “strains”, each with a unique profile. All cannabis used for medical treatments contain several complex compounds, the most notable of which are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).

  • Is medical cannabis legal?

    Yes. When the Cannabis Act came into force on October 17, 2018, use of cannabis, medical or otherwise, became legal across Canada.

  • Is medical cannabis safe?

    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) — discovered by scientists in the 1990s — is a communications system within the brain and body that affects a number of important human functions, including metabolism, circulation, energy and organ function.

    The ECS exists in species throughout the animal kingdom, however, the human ECS is composed of three key components:

    1. Cannabinoid receptors found on the surface of cells.
    2. Endocannabinoids, small molecules that activate cannabinoid receptors.
    3. Metabolic enzymes that break down endocannabinoids after they are used.

    Research suggests there are at least 100 cannabinoids, however the most well-known are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

  • What is THC and CBD

    The most famous and well-studied cannabinoids are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is responsible for a variety of physiological effects and has psychoactive properties, which means it acts to alter brain function, resulting in temporary changes in mental processes, cognition, perception and mood. CBD, however, has been reported as having a wide range of health benefits, including pain management, without the psychoactive qualities of THC.

  • What is the CBD:THC ratio?

    The specific combination of CBD to THC included within a particular strain is known as the

    CBD:THC ratio. As THC has psychoactive properties and CBD does not, this ratio is important in deciding which products are best for a patient.

  • What is the entourage effect?

    THC, CBD and other various compounds (such as terpenes) work together to create an end result known as the “entourage effect”. It’s this combination of the plant’s specific cannabinoid, terpene and flavonoid properties that provide varying unique benefits for the human body.

  • What is the difference between indica, sativa and hybrid?

    The separation between sativa and indica was originally created in the 18th century to differentiate between two species within the cannabis genus (indica and sativa), classifying them based on structure and resin. Later, as strains were crossbred, the term hybrid was added as a way to classify cannabis. As the science and understanding of cannabis continues to widen, terms are changing. What are often called cannabis “strains” should be called “cultivars.”

    However, historically the strains of sativa, indica and hybrid were distinguished in the following ways.

    Sativa has generally been thought to be higher in THC and lower in CBD, which makes it more psychoactive. Sativa cultivars were often reported as having more focused, creative, uplifting effects. It is known for its narrow leaflets, light green colour and is often more suitable for outdoor growing, especially in warmer climates.

    Indica is thought to be higher in CBD and lower in THC, for a reduced psychoactive effect. Indica cultivars were commonly thought to have more relaxing, calming, sedative effects. It has broad and bushy broad leaflets that are darker green in colour.

    Hybrids are varying combinations of both sativa and indica strains and are thought to create a balance of the effects of each.

    Today, most cannabis plants are a hybrid of some sort, however they exhibit dominant qualities of one species over another, allowing them to be categorized as an indica or sativa.

  • What are terpenes

    Terpenes are a class of organic compounds created by a variety of plants — not just cannabis — responsible for the flavour and smell of the plant. It’s also a widely held belief that different terpene profiles & combinations are responsible for the unique benefits & effects of a particular cultivar. Terpenes are secreted from the tiny hairs that cover the buds, called trichomes.

    Over 100 different terpenes have been discovered and multiple types can be found in just one cultivar of cannabis. It’s the unique and varying combination of these terpenes found in each cultivar that creates a specific aroma and flavour, along with an individualized set of potential benefits.

    Common terpenes found in cannabis include:

    Caryophyllene – Woody/spicy smell of cloves/pepper
    Cymene – Sweet, somewhat citrusy
    Humulene – Earthy, woody, spicy
    Limonene – Fresh, zesty citrus
    Linalool – Floral, lavender
    Myrcene – Earthy, musky
    Nerolidol – Woody, fresh bark
    Ocimene – Herbal and woody
    Alpha-Pinene – Fresh pine
    Beta-Pinene – Piney, herbal
    Terpinolene – Piney, herbal

  • Am I going to get “high”?

    Every patient reacts differently to using medical cannabis.

    Common effects of being “high” include mind and body relaxation, a skewed perception of time, spacing out, feeling joyful or euphoric, and increased sensory awareness. Psychoactive effects or a “high” from cannabis are typically attributed to THC.

    Different cultivars and varying THC levels can create different results and effects. It is always good to “start low and go slow” when using any strain with high THC.

  • What is the difference between inhalation and ingestion – onset, longevity, metabolizing, etc

    Cannabis can be both inhaled, via smoke or vapor, and also ingested, for example in capsule form or infused into baked goods or beverages. Both routes deliver medicinal benefits for patients, however there are big differences between the inhalation and ingestion in terms of onset time, potency, peak, and duration.

    Inhalation features the fastest onset of all available methods, as patients feel the effects of inhalation within seconds to a few minutes (depending on many factors, including individual physiology, proximity and nature of one’s previous meal, etc.). Inhalation yields fast-acting effects and may be more suited to situations requiring immediate relief. Full effects can peak within 30 minutes and last up to 4 hours after use. Inhalation allows for a more robust cannabinoid profile with full exposure to the plant’s terpene profile. Note, smoking is not recommended as a mode of administration of medical cannabis. The option of vapourizing dried flower can be considered in situations requiring immediate relief.

    Ingestion of cannabis extracts and edibles is generally recommended to achieve a long-lasting therapeutic effect. Ingestion has a longest onset time, with effects being felt within 45 minutes to 2 hours. Longer duration of effects can peak within 4-8 hours. Ingestion is often easier to dose once optimal therapeutic dose has been determined and offers a discreet and convenient method of administration.

    Note, onset times for both inhalation and ingestion can vary depending on many factors, especially a patient’s tolerance and average weekly and daily consumption levels.

Becoming a patient

  • How do I obtain a medical cannabis prescription?

    Medical cannabis can be procured with a Medical Authorization – often referred to as a prescription, which is obtained by scheduling an appointment with your doctor, a cannabis education centre, or cannabinoid clinic.

    If you qualify for medical cannabis, the physician or nurse practitioner will give you a Medical Authorization for Cannabis (the Canadian cannabis industry’s version of a prescription) at the end of your appointment. This document can be sent to a Licensed Producer (LP) of your choice, (or split across LPs if you prefer) where you will then be able to purchase and send your medication by mail or courier. It can also be registered with Health Canada to allow you to grow your own supply of medical cannabis if that’s what you prefer.

  • What are the most common medical conditions for a medical cannabis treatment?

    Currently, research is still on-going regarding the effects of Cannabis on various conditions and symptoms. If you are interested in exploring medical cannabis, we recommend speaking to your doctor. Alternatively, you can book an appointment through Canabo medical clinic. Their healthcare professionals can provide personalized guidance and information tailored to your needs. Click here to complete the form to book an appointment.

  • How do I know if I am the right candidate for medical cannabis?

    Cannabis’ medical applications are currently being reviewed and verified by physicians and scientists. To determine whether medical cannabis is appropriate for you, please consult with your healthcare provider or you can complete the form linked here to book an appointment through Canabo Medical Clinic.

  • How much cannabis can I have on me?

    The new regulations remove personal storage limits for patients. Like any adult Canadian, you can store as much cannabis as you want at home.

    Public possession limits remain the same for authorized patients who are registered with a federally licensed seller or with Health Canada:

    The lesser of 150 grams or a 30-day supply of dried cannabis (or the equivalent in cannabis product) in addition to the 30 grams allowed for non-medical purposes

    As a medical cannabis patient, you must be prepared to show that you are legally allowed to possess more than 30 grams (or equivalent) in public, if requested by law enforcement. This can be done by showing your registration document issued by Emblem.

    When carrying medical cannabis on your person when you are outside of Canada, you will be subject to the laws of that country. Please research the laws of individual countries you will be visiting outside Canada carefully before you travel.

    Note: It is NOT legal to leave Canada with cannabis of any sort, in any format, for either medical or adult use – regardless of whether you have a valid medical authorization or medical documents.

  • Is medical cannabis covered by provincial or private health insurance?

    Provincial health coverage does not currently cover medical cannabis. However, as private insurers begin to recognize the value and benefits associated with cannabinoid therapy, some now offer coverage for specific conditions, so check (periodically) with your benefits provider. Additionally, some insurance companies will cover medical cannabis in an HSA account.

    It’s worth noting that even if medical cannabis isn’t covered by your health insurer, it may still be a more cost-effective option than using other prescription products with a co-payment insurance plan.

    Finally, if you deal with Veterans Affairs or are in a position to benefit from our Compassionate Pricing Program, our physicians or Patient Educators can assist you with the process of applying for coverage.

Health and Safety

  • How do I store medical cannabis?

    Medical cannabis is best stored in a cool, dry and dark place. Cannabis quality is influenced by elements like oxygen, light, heat, and moisture. Exposure to any of these influences can cause mold or dry out the cannabis buds entirely.

    Air-tight jars, like a mason jar, will protect dried cannabis from these elements. If you can get a darker coloured glass that’s even better, as it will protect your cannabis from light exposure, too.

    Cool, yes, freeze, no. Storing cannabis in the freezer is not recommended. Freezing cannabis can degrade the buds and lead to bacterial growth from the temperature change, and freezing cannabis can also cause trichomes to become icicles and break off.

    Cool, dry and dark storage is not just ideal for dried cannabis, but also cannabis concentrates, such as oils and edibles.

    Always store medical cannabis, including edibles, in the same way you would keep other prescription drugs – stored securely away from children and teens.

  • What are potential side effects?

    Every patient experiences the effects of medical cannabis individually, however common potential side effects can include:

    Dry mouth
    Redness in eyes
    Dizziness/feeling faint
    Impairment of motor skills
    Rapid heart beat
    Psychoactive effects

    It is important to track the occurrence of side effects. If you’re experiencing side effects, especially those that outweigh the therapeutic benefits of your medical cannabis use, please speak with your healthcare provider.

  • How do I mitigate unwanted effects?

    Psychoactive effects commonly occur when using products containing higher levels of THC. These effects can sometimes be mitigated by including CBD-dominant products into your medical cannabis regimen. Research evidence and clinical experience suggest that CBD has the potential to lessen the psychoactive effects resulting from THC.

    It is important to ensure that any side effects experienced do not outweigh the therapeutic benefits of your medical cannabis use.

    Be sure to regularly speak with your healthcare provider about any side effects you may be experiencing.

  • Can I travel with medical cannabis?

    No matter where you’re travelling, it is important to understand the rules and regulations regarding travelling with your medical cannabis. Unlike your other prescription medications, you cannot simply put your medical cannabis into a carry on and be on your way. The Canadian government has very specific rules when it comes to leaving the house with your cannabis.

    All adult Canadians — including medical patients — may travel with up to 30g of cannabis (or the equivalent in cannabis oil products) within Canada’s borders. If carrying more than 30g, you must have medical authorization documentation with you at all times. The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) has specifically stated that you are allowed to fly within Canada with the legal amount of up to 30g of cannabis without documentation. If your trip requires you to take more than 30g you will need to carry your medical authorization documentation.

    Note: It is NOT legal to leave Canada with cannabis of any sort, in any format, for either medical or adult use – regardless of whether you have a valid medical authorization or medical documents.

  • Can I consume medical cannabis at work?

    Under human rights law, employers have the duty to accommodate the use of medical cannabis to the point of “undue hardship” to the employer, just as they would accommodate anyone else taking a prescribed medication. What constitutes “undue hardship” depends on the circumstances of the business. However, where cost is rarely considered sufficient undue hardship, health and safety considerations often are.

    Authorized individuals with Medical Documents still have to take into account how cannabis may alter their ability to perform their job requirements efficiently and safely. After all, both employee and employer are held under specific obligations to maintain a safe working environment for everyone involved. Before you approach your employer, we suggest talking to your doctor about the times and hours you need to medicate for your particular symptoms. If your doctor agrees that medicating during work hours is a necessity for you, you’ll already have a medical professional on your side.

    Though patients have been accessing medical cannabis for over a decade, with the introduction of legalization of adult (non-medical) use of cannabis, employers have started to add cannabis clauses to their workplace impairment policies, typically prohibiting use at work.

    Luckily there are many Canadian companies who respect their employees’ rights to use medical cannabis at work based on their debilitating conditions, symptoms or diseases. If yours is one of them, always keep a form of legal proof with you at work such as, your Health Canada-issued registration certificate, the product label from your Emblem-purchased medicine or the Confirmation of Registration document you received upon registering with Emblem, which includes the same information that’s found on your patient label.

    Ultimately, it’s up to you to negotiate with your employer on the specific terms of your medical cannabis usage. Just make sure to prepare yourself with a letter from your physician if possible, as well as your prescription info and then see how the discussion goes.

    If you are unsure about how much information you are required to disclose on your personal health visit the Canadian Human Rights Commission to learn more about the questions your boss can and can’t ask you about medical issues.